Diagnosis and evaluation of the health sector
The Economy and Health Foundation
presents the results and conclusions of the
"Study for the evaluation and improvement of health services"
Wednesday, November 23, 10:30 a.m. Rafael del Pino Auditorium
C/ Rafael Calvo 39 A. 28010 Madrid
The Economy and Health Foundation will present next week, on Wednesday, November 23 in Madrid, at the FES2022 Grand Forum, the results of the "Study for the evaluation and improvement of health services" in our country , in which its Scientific Committee has worked in this second edition to find out the degree of implementation of different measures in the different health management systems of the Spanish territory through the Autonomous Communities and thus present a complete diagnosis of the health sector. The event will take place at 10:30 a.m. at the Rafael del Pino Auditorium, C/ Rafael Calvo, 39.
The annual report on averages for Spain, of which attendees will receive a copy, is drawn up from the reports completed by each Autonomous Community according to the self-assessment questionnaire sent in the previous months. The scorecard is intended to be a photo, from which a diagnosis is made, that serves for the formulation of policies, plans, programs, and projects, as well as their follow-up.
The forum on the 23rd will be inaugurated at 10:30 a.m. by the president of the foundation, Alberto Giménez Artés, and then its vice president, Carlos Alberto Arenas Díaz, coordinator of the study, who will present the report together with Alberto González García, member of the scientific comittee.
Subsequently, each of the 11 areas analyzed will be presented: care measures, primary care and care integration, organization and home care, information management and new technologies, health promotion and disease prevention, care and social coordination and healthcare, evaluation and benchmarking, patient safety, human capital, purchasing and management, and good governance and transparency.
The day will conclude at noon with the presentation of 5 cases of good practices presented by the autonomous communities of Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Andalucía, Extremadura and Murcia.
In the words of the president of the Fundación Economía y Salud, Alberto Giménez Artés: One of the objectives of the Fundación Economía y Salud is to analyze and contribute to improving the health sector in Spain. One of his projects is to make a complete diagnosis of the sector. And not only make the diagnosis, but also propose strategic lines, areas of work and concrete measures for their improvement, broadly agreed upon. On this occasion, and through the publication of the document "Report on national averages for the year 2022", the aim is to follow up on the work carried out and continue the work of implementing measures to improve the health system".
The Fundación Economía y Salud’s project intends that the contributions and the conclusions generate information, debate and benchmarking between the different public administrations, demonstrating the degree of implementation of the measures, the existing barriers, and the strategies for overcoming them.